Tabular Reports

Tabular Reports list all the fields from the data source horizontally across the page. Each record forms a new line on the report. Typically, these are used where there are a large number of records in a table. For example: you might want to print out a sales report, showing sales by month by various customer groups and products.

Sample Table

Here's a typical table that can be printed out in this format - it shows the sales made by a computer products company:

3Com (Comms & Networking) Network Interface Cards Network Interface Cards - Wired 1361.78
3Com (Comms & Networking) Network Interface Cards Network Interface Cards - Wireless (WiFi, Bluetooth & IrDA) 377.15
Abbyy Software Europe GmbH Graphics and Media Scanning & OCR 361.89
Abbyy Software Europe GmbH Home and Reference Foreign Language 34.07
Abit Components & Memory Motherboards (Mainboards) 990
Acclaim Gaming/Entertainment Software Sports 30.96
Acer Cables Terminators & Adaptors 35.25
Acer Computers Desktops & Workstations 1232.56

Sample Report - no options

And here's what it looks like in OOoReport (click on the graphic to download the report in .pdf format)

Sample Report - Summary Field specified

OOoReport has a number of options with Tabular reports. To suppress repeating values, you can specify Summary Fields - here, we've asked for all fields up PARENT_CAT to to be Summary Fields (click on the graphic to download the report in .pdf format)

Sample Report - Subtotals specified

Next, you can also ask for any numeric fields to be subtotalled. Notice how OOoReport produces subtotals every time PARENT_CAT or MANUFACTUR changes. However, if a group only contains one record, OOoReport suppresses the sub-total (click on the graphic to download the report in .pdf format)
The subtotals are created as calculations in the Calc spreadsheet, so if you edit the data, the totals will be updated automatically.

Sample Report - Summary Fields in-line

Finally, sometimes the Summary Field option gives a report with a lot of empty space. In this case, a more compact report can be produced by specifying that the Summary Fields should be printed in-line (click on the graphic to download the report in .pdf format)
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