Credits / Links
OpenOffice and Databases
For information on using OOo with databases, try these:
- Using MS-Access Databases from 1.1
- 1.0, unixODBC, and mySQL HOW-TO
- 1.1 and MySQL 'Next Steps'
all available here.
OpenOffice Basic
For information on programming in OOo Basic, try these:
- The StarOffice Basic Programmer's Guide is essential reading for anyone thinking of writing their first OOo macro
- The next stage of complexity is to download the SDK which has a wealth of useful examples, documentation, etc
- For help, try OOoForum and the ever-helpful people on the Macros and API forum
- I owe a huge debt to Bernard Marcelly for his wonderful tools X-Ray and Add-On (from the OOoMacros site)
- Finally a word of thanks to, who helpfully let you download their product catalogue in csv format. This database was used to create the sample reports on this site.
Small print
OOoReport is copyright (c) 2004 John McCreesh and is released under the GNU General Public Licence. It comes with no warranty whatsoever.
Remember that when you install an OOo Add-On, you are installing new software on your computer with everything that implies. You are effectively entrusting the author of the software with whatever rights you have on your computer. If you trust the author not to use your computer to send offensive emails to everyone in your address book, or download gigabytes of porn images onto your computer, then that's fine. Remember, your firewall and anti-virus software will not protect you against software you install yourself.